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Understanding the Role of Artificial Intelligence Tools for Every Business

Over the past years, how have Artificial Intelligence tools transformed businesses? The new AI technology is one of the most compelling and prevalent these days as it can automate and add value to different areas of operation in various industrial sectors.

Do you know that the global AI market is predicted to reach $190 bn by 2025? This figure emphasizes the rising significance of generative AI for organizations that want to remain competitive.

Take for instance, the healthcare sector. For example, there have been generative AI algorithms designed to analyze medical images thereby detecting patterns and abnormalities, which result in quicker and more accurate diagnosis. In fact, a study from Stanford University shows that an AI algorithm was as effective in identifying pneumonia from chest X-rays compared to human doctors.

Generative AI is not limited to healthcare only but its use cases are ultimate for different industries. But wait! To use generative AI’s power, businesses need specific platforms and tools that allow them access to double their productivity. 

This blog post will look at some amazing tools for implementing generative AI in your organization.

Read also:- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Innovative Use Cases and Application.

Understanding Generative AI

artificial intelligence tools


For instance, generative AI can do such things as creating computer-generated art by learning from existing artwork to produce original pieces or generate coherent and relevant text for chatbots and content generation. 

It also has contributed in music composition where it creates original compositions in different genres. Generative AI is a rich source of opportunities for different sectors. 

Now that we have gotten an insight into the world of Generative AI let’s take a look at the tools that are capable of doubling your business productivity.

List of The 10 Best Artificial intelligence tools to Implement in your Business 

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Here we are presenting you the top 10 best tools for implementing AI (which we personally are implementing). So, make sure to bookmark this guide and read this till the end. 


TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning library developed by Google that has become very popular because of its powerful ability to build and deploy machine learning models.  In the last years, TensorFlow has broadened its horizons to include generative AI through submodules like TensorFlow Probability and TensorFlow Generative Models.  

These submodules contain pre-built implementations of popular generative models such as Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).  

Businesses can utilize these powerful generative models that can produce images, language text and even synthesize audio data for various applications with the help of TensorFlow.


PyTorch, yet another open-source machine learning library, has been at the forefront of generative AI. This new AI technology is recognized for its flexibility and intuitive interface, PyTorch is the first choice for researchers and developers in the field of generative models. 

With its dynamic computation graph and neural network module support, PyTorch gives businesses the possibility to conduct experiments with state-of-the-art generative models like StyleGAN or BigGAN.  

What’s more, PyTorch is perfectly integrated into the most popular deep learning frameworks such as Hugging Face’s transformers library which makes it a perfect instrument for companies who want to implement generative AI in their business operations (like NLG or text-to-image synthesis).

OpenAI GPT-3

OpenAI GPT-3 is a paradigm of generative AI tools and is drawing the interest of businesses and developers globally.  GPT-3, being one of the biggest language models ever developed, has shown to be quite efficient in creating human-like text across many domains, from coding to scanning.  

Through its API access, businesses can integrate GPT-3 into their applications for automatic content generation, customer support, and creative writing. 

The amazing language generation skills of GPT-3 make it an attractive option for businesses who are looking for ways to simplify communication processes and improve customer satisfaction.

NVIDIA Deep Learning AI

When it comes to the implementation of generative AI for high-performance computing and large-scale model training, the new AI technology- NVIDIA and its Deep Learning AI platform provides a full suite of tools and resources.  The combination of NVIDIA’s powerful GPUs and special software libraries like NVIDIA CUDA and cuDNN allows businesses to speed up the training and deployment of complex generative models. 

 Furthermore, the NVIDIA Deep Learning AI platform makes available pre-trained models and development frameworks such as NVIDIA Megatron for efficient scaling of generative AI applications.  

No matter if it is creating high-fidelity images or generating synthetic data for training, businesses can count on the hardware and software solutions of NVIDIA for a strong generative AI implementation.

 IBM Watson

IBM Watson, a cognitive computing platform that has been around for a while now, is increasingly concentrating on its capabilities in generative AI to give businesses advanced data synthesis and content generation.

IBM Watson is an all-in-one tool for businesses with its plethora of natural language processing and image recognition tools. IBM Watson empowers companies to construct their own generative models that are customized for their industry and use cases. 

This can be done with IBM’s cloud infrastructure and AI services which helps businesses to employ generative AI in areas like automated report generation up to personalized content recommendation systems. 

Solutions from IBM Watson are suitable for enterprises that want to adopt generative AI in their workflow, thus, it is a popular choice. 


Keras is a high-level open-source neural network library providing a user-friendly interface to machine learning model development and deployment. 

Its modularity along with pre-built components for common tasks such as image classification and text processing makes it easier for businesses to deploy GANs and VAEs type of generative models.

With Keras business users are able to make use of deep learning models to produce images that look very realistic, create text, and even compose new music.

Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a well-known open-source library for natural language processing which offers pre-trained models, tools, and APIs for a variety of NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, machine summarization, question answering and text generation. 

 The advanced transformer models by Hugging Face such as GPT-2, Bert, and T5 have been the benchmark in the field of natural language generation and have found wide acceptance across different industries. 

 Hugging Face allows companies to quickly integrate NLP models into many use cases without having to rely on specialized knowledge.

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is an entirely managed machine learning service that AWS offers.  Through a comprehensive collection of tools and resources, SageMaker allows businesses to develop, train, and deploy machine learning models on a large scale.  Businesses can use SageMaker’s high performance generative AI features such as GANs and VAEs to produce new images, videos and text. 

 With its smooth combination with other AWS services, businesses can deploy and manage their generative AI models effortlessly at scale. 

Unity Deep Learning Agents

Unity Deep Learning Agents is a reinforcement learning library built specifically for the Unity game engine.

With this library, businesses are enabled to produce generative AI models that learn and adapt to different game scenarios, which in turn automates game content creation, improves game AI and develops new gaming experiences.  

Unity Deep Learning Agents is a powerful platform for business who wants to explore the potential of AI in gaming and virtual environments. 

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform offering many services for building and deploying machine learning models for businesses. 

The suite of machine learning tools and resources on Azure consists of pre-built modules, API integrations and custom code development environments making it an ideal platform for businesses looking at generative AI models implementation.

The deep learning and neural networks support offered by Azure, combined with its powerful cloud infrastructure, makes it an essential tool for businesses that want to apply generative AI in their organizations.

Read also:- 10 Mind-Blowing Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing Mobile App Development


The thrilling world of new AI technology opens a lot of doors to businesses that they may use to fundamentally change their work.  It is high time businesses climb aboard the generative AI train and integrate this life-changing technology into their systems. But hey, we understand that using the most recent artificial intelligence tools might be quite overwhelming.

ai tools

That’s where QSS Technosoft plays a part!  As a pacesetter in AI solutions, QSS Technosoft is your best bet.  Our team of professionals will take you by the hand and lead you through the intricate path of generative AI so that you can always be ahead of the game.

Don’t let your business lose out on the opportunity to grow and discover new possibilities in the market. Then, what are you waiting for?  Get in touch with QSS Technosoft today and start your generative AI adventure.

We are proud to mention that our work has been recognized by leading B2B reviews and research platforms like GoodFirms, Clutch, MirrorView, and many more.

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